I finished these garnstudio gloves out of a single skein of their Drops Alpaca. Admittedly, it was leftovers from Claire's Branching Out (not pictured on this blog). I majorly modified the cuff, if you can't tell; I just did three-by-two rib rather than that fancy picot edge that the pattern calls for. Oh, and because the chart was in a different language and I didn't know which double decrease the triangles were, I used a s2k1p. I don't think that's what it called for.

I was inspired by the work of lillstrumpa's on ravelry. The link goes there, so apologies if you're not in yet. I mention her because it was not my brilliant idea to add beads to the pattern. I used some size 6/0 black seed beads I had laying around and a size 12 crochet hook to do the magic. I like the crochet hook method WAY better than beading them all in advance. Deb has a great tutorial here.
Incidentally, blogger's uploader appeared to be broken, so I used flickr. Uhhh, I already had the post and just wanted to add images, and I'm a little peeved that flickr has stopped giving the direct URLs for its images! When I go to "blog this" it wants to make a whole new entry. No way. I had to control-click (right click for you PC folks) and "copy image location" so I could write my own tags. What the... Maybe I'm missing some integral part of flickr because I only really use it for ravelry...
Incidentally, I hope they're not huge images.
ETA: Okay, so blogger's uploader magically started working and I edited them. Because they DID look crummy.
They look great!! I've been itching to knit with beads for awhile now. Seeing your gloves makes it even worse!
Very pretty. I keep thinking I should trying beading, and then never getting around too it.
Beautiful gloves! Glad you liked the tute! :)
sooooooooo pretty!
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