Saturday, May 19, 2007

Again with the non-knitting content...

I suppose I should just admit that I haven't been too productive with the knitting lately. There's been sock progress, sure, as well as exchecquered progress. However, work has been taking its toll on me. I've been tired and burnt-out.

I'll have a sewn FO soon, I promise.

In the meantime, I give you my new vertical industrial piercing.

Eight days old in the photo. The photos that were taken directly into my ear sort of creeped me out and I didn't like how they looked. Go figure. But you get the idea: all the way from the helix down to the conch. Two holes. Yes, it goes through the bottom of my ear. That seems to be the most common question from acquaintances so far...

Oh, and the green star earrings? Resplendent Redhead on Etsy. So wonderful. That makes five pairs of her earrings that I own...

Crafting content soon. PROMISE!

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