Seven. freaking. feet. of double knitting. I feel like I've just run a marathon or something. Very much worth it, though. This thing is double-thick, warm, and just... yeah, I haven't really taken it off yet. I wish I'd have pulled it out to finish sooner, because it languished as a UFO for far too long. I guess one of my New Year's resolutions should be to finish or frog all the things that have been sitting that way for far too long...
Whoa! It came out super awesome though! I love the color combination!
That's one might impressive scarf! I haven't had the courage to do colorwork, myself. I'm working on lace this year as my New Year's Knitting Resolution.
Wow, that looks awesome! I love the black with the vibrant blue. Very impressive.
It's looking gorgeous! And you deserve all credit for taking on such an immense project. This is one of my "if I were a better knitter" patterns.
Quite impressive :D
I haven't yet attempted any colorwork. I think double knitting is what I'd like to start with.
But yeah, that's really a huge undertaking! I love the results!
great job. nice color combo.Keep warm!:)
Wow! That turned out great! It looks good on you too.
Awesome scarf, I love the color combo!
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