Friday, March 30, 2007

Mac Cozy

My Macbook needed a home. Less than half a yard of black fleece and some white felt later, the mac cozy was born.

It fits snugly like one of those pricey neoprene sleeves, but was a lot cheaper to make.

I thought it needed to match and have its own little apple, if you couldn't tell. This solves the problem of throwing my laptop into one of my tote/messenger bags and not worrying about having my stuff scratching up my computer.


Knitted_Painting said...

the cozy looks great! very creative idea =D thanks for the comment on my blog btw it's nice to know people still read my blog hehe =)
silly question maybe, but what is google reader?

Bells said...

oh my husband would love one of those, although ours would have to be white with a (black?) apple.

It's so much better to make your own isn't it?

pamela wynne said...

oh, this is so good! and not bulky at all, like a lot of the more affordable sleeves are.